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You can support our holding by sending etherium or crypto money to my metamask etherium account below.
By supporting our holding, you will help protect nature and further develop technology, thus offering a better life to new generations.
Our metamask etherium wallet address: 0x605A69Aa73C745Ac2183d81e4C7F8698e8677BcE
what kind of work will you do when you join us:
we will earn income by providing services to companies or people in the field you are participating in, or by making and selling large projects on our own
you will work online for 1 month
we will evaluate your 1-month work period, after your 1-month work, we will take you to our physical company, you will start working there
after working online for 1 month, we will give you $600 as the first salary when your 1 month is up
your salary will be given every 3 months when we take you to our physical company
the amount of salary you will receive every 3 months is 4000 euros
what kind of work will be done in the areas we provide employment:
things to do in the field of cyber security:
we will provide cyber defense services to companies that want to receive services in the field of cyber security, that is, we will protect their companies against cyber attacks
what kind of work will be done in the field of web programming:
we will provide website building services to companies or people who want to build a website in the field of web programming
what kind of service will be provided in the field of application programming:
we will provide services to companies or people who want to make applications in the field of application programming to make the application they want
services to be provided in the field of game programming:
we will make and sell games to companies and people who want to make games in the field of game programming
in short, we will make and sell the software they want to companies and people in all areas of software languages
things to do in the field of e-commerce:
we will advertise people or companies who want to promote their product for a certain fee
you will attract mass to our own projects that we have made
in short, there will be a job of advertising and mass attraction in the field of e-commerce
the advertising business will be in the field of e-commerce
things to do in the field of graphic design:
we will make an advertising video of what they want to companies and people who want in the field of graphic design, or we will make and sell the desired services related to graphic design, such as logo, photomontage, presentation
things to do about home design:
we will make house design sales to construction companies who want in the field of house design
things to do in the field of foreign languages:
we will provide translation services to people who want in the field of foreign languages
to join our company, fill out the forum below completely and press the button that says send and mark the field from which you want to work in our team while filling out the forum, we will get back to you
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